Amy Qiao
MSc Student
Amy earned her Honours B.Sc. in Life Sciences Co-op at McMaster University in 2023. During her first co-op placement, Amy was immersed in the dynamic environment of the Bhatia program, where she assisted with characterizing the hematopoietic differentiation potential of AML-iPS lines reprogrammed by our lab. Her interest in this project motivated her to complete her thesis. For her second co-op placement, Amy embarked on a cross-country journey to Vancouver where she worked at STEMCELL Technologies as part of the Quality Control team, further developing her knowledge of pluripotent stem cells. Following this, Amy found herself drawn back to the fast-paced and innovative environment of the Bhatia program where she completed a second thesis and worked as a research assistant before becoming a M.Sc. candidate.
Amy will continue working on elucidating the connections between differentiation and epigenetic memory of AML-iPS to further our understanding of disease pathogenesis.
In her free time, Amy enjoys online shopping, reading novels, and going on hikes!